
Michael Plews is a primary teacher. The blog you are reading is updated usually every week.

2 Responses to About

  1. Wouter says:

    Dear Michael,

    I LOVE your Poetry for Spelling resource! Is there any chance that we can create an interactive Gynzy lesson plan based on this resource?

    Your collection is not for commercial use. I respect that. Gynzy is a company that develops interactive whiteboard software. It’s a platform that teachers can use to create their own interactive lesson plans, but we also offer ready-made content based on feedback from teachers. (Teachers also offer their own lesson plans to be published and shared with other teachers. Here’s one example: https://www.facebook.com/gynzyus/videos/1957676611158554/)

    If you don’t like this idea, I understand, but if you are open to this, then I would like to prepare an example of how this could look like in Gynzy (with clear attribution and credit to you and your website.)

    Kind regards,
    Wouter van den Borne

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