Idea 289: FREE Class Set, 4-Way Differentiated Place Value Quiz-Quiz-Trade Cards for Year 3 and 4



I put a fair bit of time into making a whole-class set of 30 quiz-quiz-trade cards for place value, using a wide range of images and representations, so I thought I’d share it here.

With the range of choice of questions, you can use this with Year 3 or Year 4 no problem. The cards cover most of the National Curriculum Place Value objectives such as representing number in different ways, as well as estimating numbers and ordering and comparing them.

Print off the resource and give one page to each pupil. Then ask them to fold their sheet once down the middle. They will end up with 4 differentiated questions on one side and the matching answers on the back (I’ve added in tips and explanations for how you might find each answer too).

That’s it! No cutting or fiddling needed.

Children use the cards to play ‘Quiz Quiz Trade’, where they mix around and then pair up with another pupil. They choose one question each to answer in turn from their partner’s sheet and then they swap cards and find somebody else to pair with.

Full explanation of Quiz Quiz Trade here.

This activity is lot more engaging for pupils than simply giving a mental maths test or chucking a worksheet at them, plus children get instant feedback if they got an answer right or wrong AND you don’t have a stack of marking afterwards! Children love to be up and about, pairing up with classmates and quizzing each other! I do Quiz Quiz Trade at least twice a week in Maths.

This style of quick review takes advantage of the ‘spacing effect’, which helps to embed learning long-term.

NOTE: If there are any mistakes do please let me know and I’ll fix them.

CREDIT: I used the great smartboard resources provided by White Rose Maths to create the visuals used on these cards.

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